Assignment 3 - U C What I See


In Lecture 5, we explored deeper into representational techniques, specifically on creating visual content using image creation tools. We dealt with constraints (perception, picture frame) and composition (rule of thirds, point of focus) because we would be working with cameras for our next assignment.

We had to create a visual narrative using less than 10 pictures shot from a camera, with minimum graphic manipulation. First, I had to jot down ideas for the story. Second, I had to create a storyboard to get my plan on paper. Third, I must shoot the scenes. Lastly, work on the digital images to enhance them.

Thought process
I wanted something as witty and humorous as the 'Revenge of the Strawberries' example provided by Dr Julian during the lecture. I wanted something with a twist too.

At first, I though of replacing the strawberries and orange with other fruits but it seemed to close to the example given. I tried developing the story further too but I did not like the outcome. Finally, I decided to work on a suicide story.

A girl seems depressed and suicidal. The viewers are led to believe that she was going to commit suicide. In the end, it turns out that she was only throwing away her stuffed toy out the window and was upset about it.

Design process

  1. The reflection of a girl hugging her knees on the floor, seemingly depressed. The words "I'm sorry" are written in red on the mirror. There is a red stuffed toy beside her.
  2. Shot of a chair by the window. Taken from low angle shot to convey a potential danger or trouble.
  3. Girl stepping on chair.
  4. High angle shot from top of building to the bottom. Blur out image to create downward motion.
  5. Elmo at the bottom.
  • I could not access a tall building from which I could take a picture from for shot #4. So I went on alternate floors and took several photos and merge them together to create more depth in the photo.
While most anticipated that the girl was going to commit suicide and saw the twist with the stuffed toy, they could not understand why the outcome was such. They suggested that I add a scene or two to explain why the toy was thrown out.

So, I came up with the second draft. This time, I added a scene before the first one and modified the last scene.

Modified storyboard:
  1. A note pasted on the door from the boyfriend. It says: "I'm sorry. We can't go out anymore. I love somebody else. From, Me. Sorry."
  2. The reflection of a girl hugging her knees on the floor, seemingly depressed. The words "I'm sorry" are written in red on the mirror. There is a red stuffed toy beside her. At this point, it should be clearer that she is upset about the note from the previous scene.
  3. Shot of a chair by the window. Taken from low angle shot to convey a potential danger or trouble.
  4. Girl stepping on chair.
  5. High angle shot from top of building to the bottom. Blur out image to create downward motion.
  6. Elmo at the bottom. A thought bubble is beside Elmo which shows the toy sitting up with a note in front of him. It says: "Surprise! I hope you like the gift. I love you. Forever. Love, Me." Now, it is clear that the gift was from the boyfriend and once he left her, she threw away the doll.

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